Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Boys' game has a "Bonus" shift

It was the first game of the year for the boys team with the Bulls and Thunder squads playing this afternoon against Brighouse. It didn't start out very well. We got some chances, but missed a lot of shots. Being much taller than our opponents (who we play again next Wednesday) we had lots of opportunities to rebound our missed shots and shoot again. And again. And again. Until we lost the ball out of bounds. The second half was much better as we started passing more and getting out and fast-breaking a little bit giving people like Rahul, Matt P. Terry and even James some fast break lay-ups at the other end.

And then Marcus stole the ball. In this blogger's opinion, it was the play of the game. I had been trying to tell everyone that if they held the ball out there for you to grab you should just take it. Well, Marcus listened. When asked about it in the car ride home after the game, Marcus said: "It was easy!" I agree Marcus. If they hold it out there for you boys, take it! Then you get to go make a lay-up.

Anyway, we got stronger as the game went on and scored a few baskets in what we thought was the last shift to make the final score 25-15 for Thompson. But wait! Brighouse thought that there was still 1 more shift to play, so we went back out there for more. The crowd loved it too. The final final score was then 29-18 (still) for Thompson.

Keep up the great work and don't forget about practice tomorrow morning (we still have a few things to work on).

Write-up by Mr. Rollins

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