Monday, February 13, 2012

Boys vs Ferris (the Rematch)

Today was one of the most intense games so far; it was a rematch against the Ferris Falcons. The other team managed to move around our defense, and scored a few baskets in the beginning. We immediately caught up and made it a very close game. Ferris scored first with a nice lay-up. There were a few fouls, luckily Bryce scored most of the free throws. After the first half the game the score was Thompson 19 and Ferris 18. It was a very close game, as Thompson would score and then Ferris would score. There was one sequence where Thompson got 5 or 6 offensive rebounds in a row; great job on the glass by Zack and Tate. The next couple of shifts went really well, with Jeffrey, Shakur, Vincent and a few other people driving in and making several nice baskets. There were also a lot of terrific passes. The last shift was the most intense with the back and forth baskets. Wilson made the last basket for Thompson making it a win for the Tigers. Ferris would have won, but their last shot was canceled as it was supposed to be a foul for Thompson. Leaving the final score as 35-34. Fantastic Game! GO TIGERS !!!

Write-up by Josh Chan

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